Κοινωνία των πολιτών & ανάπτυξη ικανοτήτων
Kosamare Artist Residency on Kefalonia
€1000 awarded
We are happy to be supporting the Social Cooperative Enterprise group, Kosamare based in Kefalonia – a team of professional divers and biologists with a range of technical skills and experience – and a unique ability to access and study the Ionian marine environment.
Part of their mission is to raise awareness and understanding about the habitats and species they study and to complement ongoing scientific work with Posidonia oceanica, Kosamare is running an exhibition in summer 2023. This builds on the success of their photographic exhibition in 2022 but will also include the work of artists and engagement with three local schools. During the residency, four artists have been invited to create work related to the ecology and myth of seagrass meadows and their surrounding environments.
The elements that will be funded by IEF specifically are a portion of the residency during which the artists will produce their work, and the sessions with local schools in Argostoli, Sami and Agia Efimia. During these sessions, Kosamare staff will deliver a presentation on the marine environment and the specific habitat of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Children will then be invited to create their own artworks that will be incorporated in the final exhibition, which will be launched ahead of the environment festival of Kefalonia in August/September.
To read more about Kosamare and their work pleased do visit their website HERE.

Project Updates:
The KOSAMARE 2023 project, centred on Posidonia seagrass meadows, featured artists Morgaine Ann de Leonardis, Alexandra Koutsaftis, Alexandrina Fleming, and Amy-Leigh Bird.
Collaborating closely with underwater photographer Alexander McMaster, Alexandrina and Morgaine created the film “Symvíosi,” capturing the beauty of seagrass meadows in Northern Kefalonia. In addition, Amy and Alexandra crafted the sculpture “Kymopóleia” using Posidonia rhizome and produced cyanotype prints with seashore objects, using a sunlight-responsive technique.
The addition of an artist residency was a pivotal and innovative aspect of KOSAMARE. The collaboration with artists significantly enhanced our ability to convey the intrinsic value of Posidonia meadows. The artists collaborative efforts successfully reached diverse audiences, potentially expanding advocacy for the protection of seagrass meadows.
While the exhibition is postponed, stay tuned for a grand opening in early summer 2024!