Corfu Butterfly Conservation Expands Across the Ionian Islands!
We are actively seeking for nature lovers across the Ionian Islands!
We are delighted to announce that Corfu Butterfly Conservation is now welcoming butterfly records for all the Ionian Islands! We are actively seeking for individuals interested in the environment and natural history to help us record the butterfly fauna and form communities of like-minded nature enthusiasts throughout the Ionian region. No special skill is needed to get started and a love of nature is the only requirement!

Butterflies are important indicators of healthy ecosystems. They provide a wide range of environmental benefits, including pollination which is vital to up to 75% of crop production. They are an important part of the food chain, supporting many other species. Scientists use butterflies to study the impact of habitat loss and fragmentation, overdevelopment and climate change. The beautiful Ionian landscapes are under threat from all these pressures.
Here’s a an overview of CBC’s Data Analysis from 2021 to 2025:
Corfu Butterfly Conservation is project initiated by concerned residents, island visitors and scientists from all over the world. Their goal is to stimulate informed interest and produce robust scientific data that can be used to influence policy and protect habitat for the benefit of Corfu’s 76 known species of butterflies and the wider natural environment, on which we all depend. CBC is in its 5th year of recording the distribution of butterflies all over Corfu and is now accepting butterfly records from the other islands in the Ionian archipelago!
We are thrilled to be cooperating with Corfu Butterfly Conservation as they expand their work throughout the Ionian region. Declines in insects are being seen throughout the world and we are proud to help protect butterflies which are such an iconic part of the natural heritage of the Ionian Islands.
Join us & help us make a difference today!
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